Recently we got a problem in one of the project's BPEL processes. Not that it is the only problem we have got with this software but this time for a change the problem does not have anything to do with BPEL.
The BPEL process iterates over some XML elements trying to find the element (<parent>) with the largest value of some child element (<check>), for example:
The expected result is <parent> with <check>13</check>. Instead the result was the element with <check>9</check>.
The "suspect" was some BPEL construct that used XPath to compare "the largest <check> so far" with "the current <check>". Some more experiments proved that. Apparently Oracle software can correctly handle some XPath comparison operations.
I decided to check where exactly the problem lies: in the BPEL implementation or somewhere else. I knew that Oracle has its own implementation of XML parsers, XSLT and XPath support that it tries to force on you if you are running some Oracle software. The implementation lives in xmlparserv2.jar, for example in
I wrote a simple test program:
package p1;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws XPathExpressionException {
XPathFactory xf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
System.out.println("Factory class: [" + xf.getClass().getName() + "]");
eval(xf, "1", true);
eval(xf, "'a'", true);
eval(xf, "''", false);
eval(xf, "1 > 2", false);
eval(xf, "1 < 2", true);
eval(xf, "'1' > '2'", false);
eval(xf, "'1' < '2'", true);
eval(xf, "12 > 9", true);
eval(xf, "12 < 9", false);
eval(xf, "'12' > '9'", true);
eval(xf, "'12' < '9'", false);
eval(xf, "'' > 2", false);
eval(xf, "'' < 2", false);
eval(xf, "'a' < 'b'", false);
eval(xf, "'b' < 'a'", false);
eval(xf, "number('a') < number('b')", false);
eval(xf, "number('b') < number('a')", false);
private static void eval(XPathFactory xf, String expr, boolean exp) {
XPath xp = xf.newXPath();
try {
Object res = xp.evaluate(expr, (Object)null, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN);
if (Boolean.valueOf(exp).equals(res)) {
System.out.println("Expression: [" + expr + "], results match");
} else {
System.out.println("Expression: [" + expr + "], NO MATCH!!: got: [" +
res + "], expected: [" +exp + "]");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Expression: [" + expr + "], EXC!!:");
The program just goes to the "default" XPath implementation, uses it to evaluate some xpath expressions with string or numeric constants, and compares the obtained result with the expected value.
Executing this program under JDK 1.5 or 1.6 produces no surprises: the obtained result matches the expected value:
>java -cp xptest.jar p1.Main
Factory class: []
Expression: [1], results match
Expression: ['a'], results match
Expression: [''], results match
Expression: [1 > 2], results match
Expression: [1 < 2], results match
Expression: ['1' > '2'], results match
Expression: ['1' < '2'], results match
Expression: [12 > 9], results match
Expression: [12 < 9], results match
Expression: ['12' > '9'], results match
Expression: ['12' < '9'], results match
Expression: ['' > 2], results match
Expression: ['' < 2], results match
Expression: ['a' < 'b'], results match
Expression: ['b' < 'a'], results match
Expression: [number('a') < number('b')], results match
Expression: [number('b') < number('a')], results match
Next I ran it with Oracle XML jar in the classpath and Oracle XPath as the default XPath implementation (command line is wrapped for readability):
> java -Djavax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:
-cp xmlparserv2.jar;xptest.jar p1.Main
Factory class: [oracle.xml.xpath.JXPathFactory]
Expression: [1], results match
Expression: ['a'], results match
Expression: [''], results match
Expression: [1 > 2], results match
Expression: [1 < 2], results match
Expression: ['1' > '2'], results match
Expression: ['1' < '2'], results match
Expression: [12 > 9], results match
Expression: [12 < 9], results match
Expression: ['12' > '9'], NO MATCH!!: got: [false], expected: [true]
Expression: ['12' < '9'], NO MATCH!!: got: [true], expected: [false]
Expression: ['' > 2], results match
Expression: ['' < 2], results match
Expression: ['a' < 'b'], NO MATCH!!: got: [true], expected: [false]
Expression: ['b' < 'a'], results match
Expression: [number('a') < number('b')], results match
Expression: [number('b') < number('a')], results match
The selected lines show where Oracle's XPath implementation violates XML Path Language (XPath) v 1.0 specification, more specifically, section 3.4 Booleans:
When neither object to be compared is a node-set and the operator is <=, <, >= or <, then the objects are compared by converting both objects to numbers and comparing the numbers according to IEEE 754.
It looks like Oracle's XPath compares strings lexicographically instead of converting them to numbers. This also means that expressions like '1' > '2' or 'b' < 'a' got "match" only incidentally. So for a change the problem is not caused by the BPEL implementation. The fact that Oracle's BPEL implementation can't really keep track of variable datatypes and use that information accordingly is just minor nuisance. You implement a BPEL process, you have to specify datatypes of all variables used in the process, and then you have to watch a lot of useless warnings like
[Error ORABPEL-10041]: Trying to assign incompatible types
Mind you, it does not complain about relational expressions. And then you execute your process and get something unexpected. Nice.
- It is pretty impossible to stay away of Oracle in the Java world right now. But you can try to stay away from its XML implementation even if you have to run your code under some Oracle product. Just use appropriate javax.xml...Factory system properties. Fortunately it looks like this XML implementation is not included in newer versions of Oracle middleware (Weblogic-based). On the other hand this all can change: Oracle might decide to use their XML implementation as the default one for newer JDKs (brrr...).
- In some cases you have to stick to Oracle's implementation. For example who knows how the rest of BPEL software depends on it. No matter what XPath implementation you end up using: be as explicit as possible. In this case the solution is to force the string-to-number conversion explicitly. Instead of '12' > '9' use number('12') > number('9').
- Will I report the problem to Oracle? Not likely. I have some experience reporting BPEL problems to them, and it is an interesting exercise, to say the least. They always end up asking source code of the test case for the sole purpose of "analyzing the design of the test process". After that they come up with a lot of suggestions on how we can improve the design of our test process. But they tend to ignore our explanations that the test case is actually specifically implemented in a particular way to demonstrate the problem. Otherwise we would have to ship out complete system to them so that they can reproduce the problem. On the other hand ... It might be interesting to here their comments on the design of the test program above.
I have checked jaxen. They do not have JAXP javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory, but their API is simple. No surprises here, everything works.
I also tested saxon, implementation version This is XPath 2.0 implementation, and I got some errors because of this. I had to change my test program to force backwards compatibility mode with XPath 1.0. After that the program completed successfully as well.