Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mule, HTTP and transaction management

Mule has support for transactions, see here. So if the inbound and outbound endpoints are transactional, like JDBC or JMS, it is easy to make sure the messages are handled transactional.

It is not so easy if an endpoint is not transactional. For example we have a configuration with a jms:inbound-endpoint and an http:outbound-endpoint. A message is retrieved from the queue and sent via HTTP to some receiver. Of course the message must be removed from the queue only if it is successfully received (or handled) by the receiver.

The inbound-endpoint configuration is easy:

<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="${queue_name}" connector-ref="jmsConnector">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN"/>

ALWAYS_BEGIN ensures that a new transaction is started and a message is received in this transaction.

This leaves the outbound-endpoint. Just saying
        <http:outbound-endpoint address="${http_address}"/>

is not enough because it automatically means action="NONE". Mule throws an exception complaining that the outbound endpoint cannot join the active transaction because it is configured with action="NONE". Fair enough, let's change this into
        <http:outbound-endpoint address="${http_address}">

<http:transaction action="JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE"/>

But this does not work because "http:transaction" is not recognized as a valid element. Ooops. This is logical, HTTP is not transactional per definition. But we really need JMS to be transactional.

The solution?
        <http:outbound-endpoint address="${http_address}">

<jms:transaction action="JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE"/>

Mule is happy with this and it does the right thing. If there is a problem connecting to the target or sending the message to it HTTP endpoint makes sure that the message gets "exception payload" set. This triggers Mule transaction support to rollback the active transaction.

This is not a generic solution, but it suits us: no messages are lost; the message is back in the queue and is redelivered later. The only problem with this approach is that the transaction can be rolled back after the message was successfully received by the HTTP receiver. This results in redelivery of the same message to the HTTP receiver which must be able to handle this.

But this is not a big deal in our case. It is so happens that most of the time the message ends up in a dispatcher that looks in its registry for subscribers. The first successful delivery of the message caused subscribers to unsubscribe so the dispatcher just silently drops the message.

In some other cases the message is just notification of some kind so nobody really cares if the same notification appears twice.

The only case when this might cause some trouble in our system is when such a message results in a creation of a BPEL process instance. Most of the time the newly created instance fails with "conflicting receive" error because the instance created after the first message delivery is still running and the process has some <onMessage> with a correlation set. But these cases are easily recognized by the administrators. And I must say if one is using BPEL then "conflicting receive" is the least of one's worry.

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