Wednesday, September 26, 2012

JBoss and CXF: it is not over yet

I came across the Spring story some time ago but did not have time to write about it then. I would probably spend time writing about it now but recently I had to refresh my knowledge of JBoss and CXF.

Besides Spring usage, JBoss CXF integration has more nice things to offer. They are more subtle but they definitely deserve to be mentioned.

Remember that little jbossws-cxf.xml? It has its own secrets.

First of all there are several locations where JBoss WS code looks for it. Do you know where exactly the file is packaged in jar/war/whatever? If you think the correct location is META-INF/ for jars and WEB-INF/ for wars, you are close but it is only part of the story. This is the location that the WS deployer checks for jbossws-cxf.xml at application startup. Note that JBoss does not use classloading to locate this file, it goes straight to the jar/war and checks if the file is present. If it is there it is processed together with some other JBoss CXF specific deployment descriptors that the deployer can find at this moment. If no META-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml or WEB-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml is found the deployer does not look at other deployment descriptors even if they are present. This is important because whatever JBoss manages to find at this moment is used for configuration of WS services and injection of WS client references. Well, may be.

Of other places where JBoss WS deployer looks the most important is META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml. Pay attention to that cxf in the path. JBoss: consistent as ever; flexible as nothing ever before. It gives you possibility to place config files in at least two different places. There are of course notable differences. First one is already explained above: the deployer is loading config files only if it detects META-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml or WEB-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml. Then it loads that file and also META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml if present. So if you have only META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml, the deployer will not see at application startup.

Another difference is that uses classloading to load a single META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml. This, of course, is a source of some amusement if you happen to have multiple jars with META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml. JBoss has some jars with that file already, like server/<server_name>/deployers/jbossws.deployer/jbossws-cxf-client.jar. If you also have META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml in your application then which file is loaded depends on the classloading configuration. I do not know how important things from jbossws-cxf-client.jar are but you definitely do not want to miss your configuration.

Location is covered; time to look at the moment when JBoss looks for the file. It does it not only during application startup, as described above. If you use WS API like JBoss will do it again. Basically it is the same story except that it never loads META-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml or WEB-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml. It just goes straight to all those other JBoss CXF specific deployment descriptors that it can find, including META-INF/cxf/jbossws-cxf.xml. This process might use a different classloader than the one used during deployment so the loaded configuration might differ significantly from the one loaded during application startup.

A nice finishing touch comes from Spring XML parsing code. Most likely it is somehow configured from JBoss but I did not care to find out where and how. Deployer triggers (META-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml or WEB-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml) are parsed with XSD validation on, all other files are parsed with validation off. It seems to be a minor difference unless you want the configuration from jbossws-cxf.xml applied to the WS objects you get back from Service.create() and Service.getPort().

Basically you can use <jaxws:client> to provide custom configuration on a per-client basis, the same way as you can use <jaxws:endpoint> to configure your endpoints. But there is great confusion around <jaxws:client>: it looks like it is ignored by JBoss or CXF. For example interceptors configured on a CXF bus are used properly but interceptors configured on <jaxws:client> are not.

The reason is that you need quite crazy identification string for your <jaxws:client>. Things that are perfectly OK for <jaxws:endpoint> won't work for <jaxws:client>. Why? Because it is JBoss of course!

Some JBoss documentation suggests you have to use <jaxws:client id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName" >. This kind of ID is not valid according to Spring XML schema. If you put it in your META-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml or WEB-INF/jbossws-cxf.xml, the application startup will fail with XSD validation error. To be fair to JBoss it looks like this particular naming convention is coming from CXF and not from JBoss.

But it is still not all! <jaxws:client id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName" > does not work. It does not work if you rely on @Resource or @WebServiceRef, or, at least, it did not work for me when I tried, but I did not try hard. It does not work for, and I needed it to work so I wasted most of my time on this use case.

Still other sources say that <jaxws:client id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName" createdFromAPI="true"> is a way to go. It still does not work! It took me quite some time poking in CXF and Spring code under debugger to find out the version that worked for me: <jaxws:client id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName.jaxws-client.proxyFactory">.

Basically it is CXF that ends up looking up a Spring bean named "{your.service.namespace}YourPortName.jaxws-client.proxyFactory" to get its configuration. The funniest thing is that both versions of configuration register a bean with this name. But for whatever reason when a bean is created with createdFromAPI="true", it is registered all right but it is not found later by CXF. And if it is created with ".jaxws-client.proxyFactory" suffix it is registered and successfully found by CXF.

I stopped looking further. I found enough to make my application work. But I still wonder: how could I miss it in the beginning? Nice, intuitive, easily discoverable configuration. Unforgivable.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. I really like reading your post and the your experience as it gave me a chance to learn some new and interesting facts about jboss and cxf.
